Author Fee
- Article Processing Charge (APC):
- For Volume 1 to 3, Issue 1-2: MEMOIRS-C charges (IDR) 150,000.
- Starting from Volume 4, Issue 1: An APC of 40 USD will be introduced, accompanied by a comprehensive waiver policy to ensure equitable access.
- Waiver Policy:
- Authors from low-income countries: APC waived (0 USD).
- Corresponding author with substantial academic impact (e.g., h-index Scopus or WoS >= 5): APC waived.
- Our waiver policy reflects our commitment to inclusivity, allowing authors from diverse backgrounds to contribute to the scholarly discourse without financial constraints.
- Recognition of Reviewers: MEMOIRS-C acknowledges the crucial role played by reviewers in maintaining research quality. Reviewers who provide thorough and timely feedback will receive an APC discount voucher, serving as an expression of appreciation for their dedicated peer review efforts.